• Forma

Compare Revit and Forma designs

Compare analysis results between Forma and Revit designs in Forma using the Compare tool.

Step-by-step guide

Forma-Revit interoperability enables the comparison of analysis results for different versions of a proposal using the visual compare mode in Forma. For example, a side-by-side comparison of sun hours between a Revit design and a Forma design can be set up.

Begin with a Forma version and a Revit version of a proposal already created and open in Forma.

  1. If needed, run the desired analysis to be compared on each version.
  2. In this example, to run the analysis on the Revit version, in the Navigator, select the Forma Revit link proposal.
  3. In the right panel, select Sun hours.
  4. Click Run Analysis.

In the Forma interface, the Revit version of the design proposal open on the canvas, and Run Analysis is  selected and highlighted in the right pane.

The analysis completes quickly.

  1. In the top bar, click Compare.

In the top bar, Compare is selected and called out with a red arrow.

To select the items to compare:

  1. In this case, under the Forma Revit link proposal, expand the available analyses.
  2. Select Sun hours to add it to the left view.

Under Proposals, in the available analyses for the Revit version of the proposal, Sun hours is selected and highlighted in red.

  1. Expand the Forma version proposal and select Sun hours.

Under Proposals, in the available analyses for the Forma version of the proposal, Sun hours is selected and highlighted in red.

  1. Drag and drop the Sun hours analysis into the right view.

The designs display side-by-side.

  1. Rotate and zoom to see that both designs update accordingly.

With the Revit and Forma versions of the design displayed side-by-side in the split view of the canvas, rotating one of the views shows the other design updating accordingly.

In the analysis panel for each design, there are options for comparison. These specific analyses enable the selection of different dates and time intervals, as well as the comparison of direct sun on the ground.

To  see analysis results for specific points on the design:

  1. Select Inspect, or press the keyboard shortcut I.

At the top of one of the design views, the Inspection tool is selected and called out, with the keyboard shortcut I displayed on the tooltip.

  1. Click specific locations on the canvas.

Notice that clicking in one view displays the corresponding sun hours for the selected points in both design views:

The Forma canvas, with the Revit and Forma versions of the design displayed side-by-side. The inspection points placed in one of the views display the corresponding sun hours in both views.

Adjustments can be made to change the content and appearance of the results displayed in the comparison.

To compare the geometry that receives between zero and two hours of sun daily using a top view:

  1. To filter the analysis bar for each view, click and drag the right handle from the edge of the analysis bar to 2 hours of sun.

The colors displayed in the designs update accordingly.

  1. In the visibility and orientation toolbar, select Camera position > Top View.

From the visibility and orientation toolbar, Camera position is expanded with Top View being selected. The analysis bar is filtered to 2 hours, and in the views, the results are limited to geometry that receives between zero and two hours of sun daily.

  1. Click Inspect to remove the inspection points.

With the Revit and Forma versions of the design displayed side-by-side, the Top View camera position is active, showing a comparison of the geometry that receives between zero and two hours of sun daily.

The compare mode in Forma enables easy comparison of design analysis results that provide valuable insights for informed decision-making.