• Fusion

Contour milling

Finish Contour toolpaths. Covers multiple cuts, cutter compensation and lead in/lead out.

Note: Since this video was made, the way you select geometry has changed. For more information, see: Geometry selections.

What we cover in this video

  1. 2D Contour - Finishing toolpath.
  2. Finishing the outer boundary.
  3. Cutter Compensation.
  4. Multiple cuts in XY.
  5. Multiple cuts in Z.
  6. Lead In and Lead Out parameters.

Manufacture > Milling > 2D > 2D Contour 2d contour icon

2D Contour is a toolpath to finish mill a profile at a specific level (Z Depth). These profiles can be internal or external, open or closed. You have the capability of creating multiple Z steps to cut down, or multiple side cuts on the profile. But the cutting motion always takes place on a 2D plane. A single 2D Contour toolpath can contain multiple chains and each can be cut to it's own specific depth, as long as the cutting parameters are the same (Feed, Speed, Number of cuts, etc.).

Cutter Diameter/Radius Compensation can provide the NC Machine operator some way to control the final size of the cut at the machine. Set the Compensation Type to either Wear or Inverse Wear. This will output the codes to compensate to the Left or Right of the programed path. The actual code will depend on the machines NC Code requirements. The most common codes are G41 (CC Left) and G42 (CC Right).