Build part 4 | Fill out a checklist using Forms

In this section you will fill out and submit a mock quality control checklist for installation of a VAV box. 

Autodesk Online Help resources: About Autodesk Build; About Forms

Learning objectives:

  • Fill out and complete the installation checklist form with the Forms tool.
  • Review and submit the completed form.



Complete installation checklist form

  1. Click the References tab (Figure 30, mark 1) for the VAV box asset. Click Add References (Figure 30, mark 2) and select Forms (Figure 30, mark 3) from the menu.
  2. Click Create Form (Figure 31, mark 1) in the top-left corner of the dialog and then select the VAV Installation Checklist form (Figure 31, mark 2).
References tab with Add references drop-down menu shown.
Figure 30
Create Form shown in Add Form Reference dialog.
Figure 31


  1. In the pane that appears on the right side of the dialog, click VAV Installation Checklist. This will take you to the full form (Figure 32).
A partial screenshot of the final form in Forms.
Figure 32


  1. Fill out the Form Details. Complete the following fields on the left side of the form.
    1. Form Date: Add current date.
    2. Location: Select floor of your selected VAV box.
    3. References: Use the Add references button to link your VAV box asset to your installation checklist.
  1. Complete all questions within the VAV Installation Form and add your Signature.
    1. For purposes of the exercise, imagine you are completing this form for the specific VAV box you identified in the drawings. Select Pass / Fail / NA for each question and experiment with adding notes, comments, or tagging pictures if desired.
    2. The form can also be completed from the Autodesk Construction Cloud mobile app.
    3. Bonus Task: Create a new Issue from one of the questions in the checklist. For example, you may have identified a clash or other constructability issue related to your VAV box when reviewing the 3D model or 2D drawings from the Revit file (Revit 2025_Small Bldg_All disciplines.rvt).
  1. Once the form has been completed, click Submit in the bottom-right corner. Then click Submit again. The form you submitted will now be visible in the Forms tool and your teacher will receive a notification. The form will also show as a linked reference to your asset.
  2. Return to the Assets tool on the left side of the screen and select the VAV box asset you created from the list. In the Details pane that appears on the right, update the status of your asset from In Progress to Complete (Figure 33, mark 1).
    Status with Complete selected.
    Figure 33


Congratulations, you have completed the final step of the Autodesk Build Student Exercise!