• InfoWater Pro

Protector - simulating a contamination event

Simulate a contamination in your water supply system to determine the extent of the damage.

Tutorial resources

These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial:


The Contamination module of the Protector app allows for determining the extent of a contaminant after its initial introduction to the system. This example simulates a contamination event with a tracer injected at a node, to determine where the tracer has traveled over a specified duration.

  1. Double-click the desired project .aprx file to open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click the InfoWater Pro tab to open the InfoWater Pro ribbon.
  3. In the Project panel, click Initialize.

Start by running a simulation for the current scenario:

  1. On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, in the Analysis panel, click Run to open the Run Manager.
  2. Click Run to run the simulation and create an output for the current scenario.

On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Analysis panel, Run highlighted in red, and in the Run Manager, the Run button highlighted in red.

  1. Close the Run Manager.

To access the Protector:

  1. On the ribbon, in the Project panel, click Apps.
  2. From the Apps Manager, select Protector.
  3. Click Run.

On the InfoWater Pro ribbon, Project panel, Apps highlighted in red; and in the App Manager, the Protector app selected and highlighted in red, with Run selected.

  1. In the Protector app, Contamination tab, enter a Source Node Location of 2222 for this example.

Junction 2222 is where the tracer will be injected.

  1. Under Time, click Select Time.
  2. In the Select Time dialog box, use the slider to set the Desired Time to 08:00 hrs.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Set the Event Duration to 4 hours.

The Protector app, Contamination tab, with the Source Node Location and Time settings configured for this example and highlighted in red.

  1. Under Result Selection Set, click Browse () to open the Selection Set dialog box.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the New Selection Set popup, enter a name of “AFFECTED_FACILITIES” for this example.

The Selection Set dialog box, with New highlighted in red; and in the New Selection Set popup, a New ID entered for this example and highlighted in red, and OK selected.

  1. Click OK to close the popup.
  2. Click OK again to close the Selection Set dialog box.

Affected facilities identified by the Protector are saved to this AFFECTED_FACILITIES selection set.

The Contamination simulation is now ready to be run.

  1. In the Protector, click Run.

Once the simulation is complete, in the model, the source location of junction 2222 is shown in yellow, and the affected facilities appear red.

  1. In the Contamination tab, use the Color on Map settings to change these colors, if desired.
  2. Click Purge Water to calculate the volume of water needed to purge the affected area.

The Purge Volume dialog box reports the number of gallons needed to purge the affected area for this example; and in the background, the Protector app, Contamination tab, with Purge Water highlighted in red.

  1. Click OK to close the Purge Volume dialog box.

To set up notifications:

  1. Click Options to open the Protector Options dialog box.
  2. From the Notification Layer drop-down, select the propuse layer, which contains all customer details.

The Protector Options dialog box, with propuse selected and highlighted in red in the Notification Layer drop-down.

  1. Click OK to save and close the dialog box.
  2. Back on the Contamination tab, click Notify.

Affected customers are listed in the Notification tab.

In the Protector, the Notification tab displays a table of affected customers and contact information.

  1. Click Close to exit the Protector.