• InfoWater Pro

Understanding the Calibrator Options in InfoWater Pro

Open the Calibrator app, and describe the three calibration modes and the other user interface options. 

InfoWater Pro offers two model calibration tools: the Hydraulic Calibrator and the Water Quality (WQ) Calibrator.

Each can be accessed from the App Manager.

Most frequently used methodology for hydraulic calibration is correlating pipe roughness coefficients between hydraulic model and actual field conditions.

Calibrator app helps automate this process using various definable physical and operational system characteristics.

Mode Menu:

Use to specify type of calibration run: Steady State, Fire Flow Test, or Extended Period.

In the Calibrator, a zoomed-in view of the expanded Mode menu, with Steady State selected and highlighted in red.

Available data tabs change based on calibration mode.

Run Menu:

Select Run > Options to specify Calibration Options, including Measurement Units, Weighting Factors, Evaluation (or percentage difference) Threshold, Termination Criteria, and Convergence Method.

The zoomed-in corner of the Calibrator app in Steady State Mode, with the Run menu expanded, and Options selected and highlighted in red.

Default Calibration Options and Advanced GA Options maximize efficiency and accuracy of Calibrator—should only be changed with thorough understanding of each parameter.

The Calibration Options dialog box, with the settings for Measurement Units, Weighting Factors, and Evaluation Threshold (%) outlined in red.

Pipe Roughness Groups:

The input data common to each calibration mode is pipe roughness group.

On Roughness Group tab, specify and assign pipe groups for determining pipe roughness coefficients during calibration simulation.

Roughness Group typically contains pipes of similar diameter, age, or material within same pressure zone—with existing roughness coefficients to be adjusted by Calibrator.

Steady State Mode:

Used to correlate known instantaneous field data to specified model elements.

The Calibrator in Steady State Mode, Roughness Group tab, with an arrow connecting the Pipe Group Database Field to the corresponding column in the open DB Editor; and another arrow connecting the buttons for inputting or removing an element to a description box listing related processes.

In addition to Roughness Group, up to four more unique sets of information used in Steady State mode:

  • Demand Group – assigned in order to vary model demands within specified scaling range to match some known field conditions.
  • Pipe Status – designates specific pipes with initial open or closed status unknown prior to calibration. Calibrator varies status of selected pipe or series of pipes to more accurately correlate calibration.
  • Junction Pressure – Field pressures for specific junction nodes are input, used as benchmarks during calibration simulation, and adjusted to increase calibration accuracy.
  • Pipe Flow – Flows measured in system at specified model links—pipes, valves, pumps—are input, used as benchmarks during calibration simulation, and adjusted to increase calibration accuracy.

Fire Flow Test Mode:

Used to calibrate a model using flow and residual pressure data from hydrant flow tests.

Also uses pressure data measured simultaneously at other strategic locations throughout distribution system during same flow test.

In addition to Roughness Group, can use Fire-Flow Measurement tab to specify field measurement data and representative model data sets.

Data sets are those with active demands, tanks, reservoirs, and controls, representing system conditions at time of hydrant flow tests.

The Calibrator in Fire Flow Mode, Fire Flow Measurement tab, with a red arrow connecting the Select Fire Node button to the corresponding Fire Node, and a purple arrow connecting the Select Measure Node button to a Pressure Node.

Extended Period Mode:

Similar to Steady State mode, except that times of field measurements can also be input.

The Calibrator in Extended Period Mode, Junction Pressure tab, with a description box for outlined Junction ID and Time columns stating that multiple node results can be set for different times to get the best results; and an arrow connecting the Select Time button with the Select Time dialog box, both highlighted in red.

In addition to Roughness Group, can input observed Junction Pressure, Pipe (Link) Flow, and Tank Head/Level data alongside times observations were recorded.

Running the Calibrator Simulation:

Select Run > Start.

Progress and performance of simulation can be monitored on Run tab.

Once complete, select Run Summary tab for summary of output results.

The Calibrator app, Run Summary tab, with a summary of output results for an extended period simulation.

Results from Calibrator simulation can be exported to existing or new model pipe, demand, or control data sets, as applicable.